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Carte Restaurant
Carte Bar
Carte Brunch
Nuggets ou Steak haché, frites
Sirop, Jus ou Soda
Fromage Blanc ou Glace
(Eggs and mayonnaise)
Crème d'Aneth Acidulée
(Salmon Gravlax, Dill Cream)
Tomates Cerises
(Black Truffle Burrata with tomatoes)
Crème de Truffes ou Crème de Parmesan
(Truffle or Parmesan Cream Ravioli)
Sucrine et Menthe Fraîche
(Spring Rolls with Salads & Mint)
Oignons Confits, Cornichons
(Porc paté with candied onions and pickles)
Feta, Miel, Pignon de pain, Romarin, Sauce Soja
(Roast Butternut with feta cheese, honey, bread pinion, rosemary and soja sauce)
Sauce chirachi
Mesclun, Poulet Pané, Bacon, Oeuf dur, Tomates, Bleu d'Auvergne, Sauce Vinaigrette Balsamique
(Salad, Fried Chicken, Bacon, Egg, Tomatoes, Blue Cheese, Balsamic Vinegar Sauce)
Saumon Mariné, Graines de Sésame, Riz, Avocat, Mangue, Carotte, Radis, Edamame, Coriandre, Sauce Soja
(Salmon, Sesame Seeds, Rice, Avocado, Mango, Carrot, Radish, Edemame, Coriander, Soja Sauce)
Roquette, Tomates, Graines de Sésame, Nems au Poulet, Crevettes Panées, Coriandre, Cacahuètes, Vinaigrette Soja
(Rocket, Tomatoes, Sesame Seeds, Chicken Springs Rolls, Fried Shrimps, Coriander, Peanuts, Soja Sauce)
Mesclun, Tomates Cerises, Tomates Séchées, Artichauts, Edamame, Avocats, Haricots Verts, Persil, Croûtons, Vinaigrette Moutarde
(Salad, Dry Tomatoes & Tomatoes, Artichokes, Edemame, Avocado, Green Beans, Persley, Bread Crouton, Mustard Sauce)
Mesclun, Tomates, Mozza, Avocat, Jambon, Croûtons, Vinaigrette Balsamique
(Salad, Tomatoes, Mozzarella Cheese, Avocado, Ham, Bread Crouton, Balsamic Sauce)
Mesclun, Bresaola, Tomates Cerises, Tomates Séchées, Burratina, Parmesan, Pesto, Basilic, Sauce Balsamique
(Salad, Bresaola Ham, Dry Tomatoes & Tomatoes, Burratina & Parmesan Cheese, Pesto, Basil, Balsamic Sauce)
Mesclun, crottins de chèvre panés, jambon de Serrano, gorgonzola, tomates cerises, croûtons, vinaigrette balsamique
(Salad, Fried Goat Cheese, Smoked Ham, Gorgonzola Cheese, Dry Tomatoes, Bread Croutons, Balsamic Sauce)
(Truffle or Parmesan Cheese Ravioli)
Tomates Cerises, Aubergines, Mozzarella, Basilic
(Tomatoes, Eggplants, Mozarella Cheese, Basil)
Sauce Tomates, Basilic
(Tomatoes Sauce, Basil)
Crème, Lardons, Jaune d'Oeuf, Parmesan
(Cream, Bacon Cube, Egg and Parmesan Cheese)
(Rice, Salad, French Fries, Ratatouille, Spinash with cream, Persil Potatoes)
Parmesan, frites maison et salade
(Parmesan Cheese, French fries and salad)
Linguines Sauce Tomate
Frites maison, Salade
(French Fries, Salad)
sauce Raïta, Riz Basmati
(Chicken Tandoori, Raïta Sauce, Rice)
Frites maison
(Steak and french fries)
Pommes persillades
(Duck and Persil Garlic Potatoes)
Sauce aux Morilles, Ratatouille
(Veal, Muschroom Sauce and Ratatouille)
Sauce Moutarde à l'Ancienne, Frites Maison
(Andouillette, Mustard Sauce, French Fries)
Garnitures au choix et à volonté
Hors soir de spectacle
(Lamb for 2 peoples, Unlimited Garnish)
Garnitures au choix et à volonté
(Beef for 2 peoples, Unlimited Garnish)
(Rice, Salad, French Fries, Spinash with cream, Persil & Garlic Potatoes, Ratatouille)
Sauce Soja, Wasabi, Riz Basmati
(Tuna Steak with Sesame Seeds, Soja Sauce and Rice)
Pommes Persillades, Tomates Cerises, Carottes, Radis
(Grilled Octopus with Persley & Garlic Potatoes, Tomatoes, Carrot and Radish)
Buns, boeuf haché, cheddar, bacon grillé, salade, tomates, cornichons, oignons confits, sauce maison, frites maison
(Beef, Cheddar Cheese, Bacon, Salad, Tomatoes, Pickels, Onions, Big Mac Sauce, French Fries)
Buns, aiguillettes de poulet panées, cheddar, salade, tomates, cornichons, oignons confits, sauce BBQ, frites maison
(Fried Chicken, Cheddar Cheese, Salad, Tomatoes, Pickels, Onions, BBQ Sauce and French fries)
Buns, boeuf haché, burrata, roquette, tomates séchées, crème de balsamique, cornichons, oignons confits, frites maison
(Beef, Burrata Cheese, Rocket Salad, Dry Tomatoes, Balsamic Cream, Pickels, Onions, French Fries)
Buns, aiguillettes de poulet panées, burrata, roquette, tomates séchées, crème de balsamique, cornichons, oignons confits, frites maison
(Fried Chicken, Burrata, Rocket Salad, Dry Tomatoes, Balsamic Cream, Pickels, Onion and French Fries)
Buns, Steak végétal, cheddar, salade, cornichons, oignons confits, tomates, frites maison
(Vege Steak, Cheddar Cheese, Salad, Pickels, Onions, Tomatoes, French Fries)
Tomate, mozzarella
(Tomato Sauce and Mozzarella Cheese)
Tomate, mozzarella, jambon blanc, champignons
(Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Ham, Muschrooms)
Tomate, Mozzarella, Chèvre, Bleu d'Auvergne, Emmental
Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Goat Cheese, Blue Cheese, Cheddar)
Tomate, mozzarella, boeuf haché, poivrons, oignons rouges, oeuf
(Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Beef, Capsicum, Red onions, Egg)
Tomate, mozzarella, parmesan, jambon Serrano, roquette
(Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella & Parmesan Cheese, Smoked Ham, Rocket Salad)
Tomate, mozzarella, Chorizo, tomate confite, oignons rouges
(Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Chorizo, Dry Tomatoes, Red Onions)
Tomate, mozzarella, thon, basilic, oeuf
(Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Tuna, Basil, Egg)
Tomates, mozzarella, aubergines, courgettes, artichauts
(Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Eggplants, Zucchini, Artichoke)
Tomate, mozzarella, anchois, câpres, olives, oignons rouges
(Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Anchoives, Capers, Olives, Red Onions)
Tomate, mozzarella, bresaola, roquette, parmesan
(Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella & Parmesan Cheese, Bresaola Rocket)
Crème fraîche, mozzarella, saumon fumé, roquette, citron
(Cream, Mozzarella Cheese, Smoked Salmon, Rocket Salad, Lemon)
Crème de truffe, burrata truffé, roquette, parmesan
(Truffle Cream, Truffle Burrata, Rocket Salad, Parmesan Cheese)
Tomate, Burratina, pesto vert, tomates cerises, olives noires, basilic frais, crème de balsamique
(Tomato Sauce, Burratina Cheese, Green Pesto, Tomatoes, Black Olives, Basil, Balsamic Cream)
Pain grillé, jambon blanc, gruyère, béchamel, frites maison
(Ham & Cheese Toast, French Fries)
Pain grillé, jambon blanc, gruyère, béchamel, oeuf, frites maison
(Ham & Cheese Toast, Egg, French Fries)
pain grillé, jambon blanc, gruyère, béchamel, crème de truffes noires d'été, frites maison
(Ham & Cheese Toast, Black Truffle, French Fries)
Pain bruschetta, saumon fumé, oeuf poché, guacamole, salade
(Bruschetta Bread, Smoked Salmon, Poched Egg, Guacamole, Salad)
Serrano, bresaola, rosette, chorizo, cornichons, beurre demi-sel, pain
(Ham platter)
Comté, camembert, crottin de chèvre, parmesan, Bleu d'Auvergne, beurre demi-sem, pain
(Cheese Platter)
Serrano, bresaola, rosette, comté, crottin de chèvre, Bleu d'Auvergne, beurre demi-sel, pain
(Ham & Cheese Platter)
pain grillé, camembert rôti au miel, jambon de parme, Rosette, pommes persillades
(Bread, Roast Cheese with Honey, Smoked Ham, Saussage, Garlic and Persley Potatoes)
Aiguillettes de Poulet Pannées, Mozzarella Sticks , Nems Végétariens, Gyozas Poulet & Légumes
(Fried Chicken, Mozzarella Stick, Spring Rolls)
Sucrine et menthe fraîche
(Spring Rolls, salad and fresh mint)
Sauce Chirachi
(Cheese Platter)
(Lemon Pie)
(Roasted Pear, Caramel and Vanilla Ice Cream)
(Chocolate cake)
Boule glace Coco
(Pineapple Carparccio, Coconut Ice Cream)
(Yogurt with Red Fruits Coulis, Honey or Nature)
(Dessert of the Day)
(Apple Caramel Tart and Vanilla Ice Cream)
au choix : vanille, chocolat, chocolat blanc, caramel, fraise, banane, macadamia, pistache, rhum-raisin, cassis, coco, poire, framboise, citron, café, mangue passion, abricot, pêche, pomme verte
(vanilla, chocolate, white chocolate, caramel, strawberry, banana, macadamia, pistachio, rhum-grapes, blackcurrant, coconut, pear, raspberry, lemon, coffee, mango, passion fruit, abricot, peach, green apple)
Boisson Chaude + Viennoiserie ou Tartine + Fruit Pressé
Verveine, Camomille, Tilleul
Ceylan, Earl Grey, Darjeeling, English Breakfast, thé vert menthe, thé vert jasmin, thé vert fruits rouges, vanille passion
Orange, Ananas, Pomme, Fraise (boisson aux fruits), Tomate, Cranberry (boisson aux fruits), Abricot (nectar), Mangue (boisson aux fruits)
Orange ou Citron
Grenache, Cinsault
Grenache, Cinsault, Rolle, Tibouren
Mouton Cadet Bordeaux
Gamay Noir
Grenache, Syrah, Carignan
Pinot Noir
Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon
Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon
Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon
Famille Abeille&Fabre - Grenache Banc, Roussane
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon, Colombard,
Boisson Chaudes
Fruit Pressé
Plats aux Choix
Oeufs Bénédicte
Oeufs Norvégien
Bacon Cheese Burger
Desserts aux Choix
Pain Perdu
Fondant au Chocolat
Assiette Gourmande